Tuesday, April 17, 2012

R.A.W.R. (P.Blog #5)

It exhaled after the first half of the forest was put into flames. It is holding back all it can not to burn down the other half. It inhales and exhales over and over again until there's an opening space between the tree tops in which fire could do no harm to the branches, whilst it launches into the sky. It's had more than enough. Almost no sense to hold it in any longer. Taking things out on the air is nothing near good enough. It proceeds towards the towns, towards the people. It torches the hearts of others in an attempt to mend it's own with the ashes. This makes sense to it due the lack of care it thought others had. Now, others' help hurts, their sympathy is sick, and their pity is overtaken by it's plumes of isolated pride. The torching has just begun, the ashes proving dissatisfying and were not as good as it thought they would be. The forest and all the inhabitants have been wiped out. Knowing later in time it'd have nothing left to burn, the beast shed it's first tear as it sizzled on the molten rock before him. This wasn't what he wanted anymore. To feel angry and hurt knowing that it denied the trust of others, it sits in its active volcano as the last of its kind, waiting for the place to blow. These types of flames when lashed out uncontrollably are only meant to destroy, spread and corrupt. Although when placed as the centered and controlled source (The sun, center of the earth) fire's only result is energy and life.

R.A.W. Ink (P.Blog #1)

Sorry reader, I have to be honest by saying it's excessively difficult to write with a pencil on paper. It's like speaking with a sore throat or playing a sport that's ball is low on air. Trying to pen spin with a pencil may also result in splinters. In fact, writing with a pencil is so horrible I waited 24 hours just to get a pen to continue this entry with this sentence. Something about the ink on the ball point tip that just glides effortlessly. Pencil seems to carve through paper like earth's plates do California. Ink is gentle whilst firm, and permanent. It shows effort towards what you write and that you're not scared to make non-erasable mistake.

There seems to be 3 things that have been inspired from the usual pen. One it's most likely why red sharpies were invented. What's better than corrections with a red pen? a thumb-sized, thick pointed paper leaking a series of red icons. From your 'paragraph goes here' marks to your 'lowercase' or 'period goes here' marks, it's noticeable and has forever changed proof-reading. Second, pens in English is a must but during math is a no Seeing x's and other corrections are better in English since it only shows growth in writing / reading skills. For math, where you're out to get the problems right? , not so much. Third: No.2 pencils are literally the number 2, mechanical pencils are fake pens, and ink > lead. Doing Pre-Calc with ink and no case of white-out in site.

Friday, April 13, 2012

R.A.W. Differences (P.Blog1)

 Discrimination, it's racism, it's sexist, it's homophobic, it's especially the triple k. It's all out of difference. People coming at each other for the sake of their difference. If a group can't be the same they gather the coerce to make one another change. We feel threatened by anything different because it is hard to accept any type of change. We tell ourselves 'NOO' and aggressively reject what's in front of us. Gays: Conflict the bible! Blacks: Dumb! Only play sports! Latinos: Immigrants! Asians: Communist! Jews: Cheap! Females: Stay in the kitchen!

That's just to name a few. It's all built out of stereotypes that are 50% accurate but as far as discrimination is concerned are 100% true. Just the reason as fake as they may be to reject others out of difference. It's out of our control, really. It sucks that we must make excuses to cover up our own resistance to change.